Percentage of Pancha Bhootas (Five elements) in our body!

Percentage of Pancha Bhootas (Five elements) in our body!

Whether it is the individual human body or the larger cosmic body,  they are made of five elements – earth, water, fire, air and space. 

In this, the first four elements are the active participants – space is the catalytic force.

It is in the lap of this boundless space that these four elements play the game. 

So, the pancha bhutas are the five elements of nature.


Do you know what is the Percentage of Pancha Bhootas (Five elements) in our body?

Everyone should be aware of it because they should know their own body.

Know now:

Our body has -

Water = 72%;

Earth (soil) = 12%;

Air = 6%;

Fire = 4%;

Empty Space = 6%
